フリードマンとガルブレイス。両者ともに経済学の巨人ですね。ガルブレイスは見ての通り(身長が2mを超える)巨人ですし、フリードマンに関してはどうやら我々(どこまでが「我々」に含まれるかは知りませんが)はフリードマンという「巨人の肩に乗っている」そうですからフリードマンも巨人ということになるようです。どうでもいい前置きはこれくらいにして早速記事の内容に関してあれこれ感想を書き連ねたいと思うわけですが、その前に一つだけ確認しておきたいことがあります。どうして伊東(光晴)先生は熊なんとかって呼ばれるようになったのでしょうか? 熊、くま、ベアー・・・、わからない。伊東先生が熊なんとかって呼ばれてらっしゃるのは有名な話なんでしょうか?
Milton Friedman、“Rx for Japan: Back to the Future”(Wall Street Journal, December 17, 1997) http://www.geocities.com/ecocorner/intelarea/mf3.html
A decade of inept monetary policy by the Bank of Japan deserves much of the blame for the current parlous state of the Japanese economy.
That decade followed a period of excellent monetary policy. In 1973, the Bank of Japan reacted to an accelerating rise in inflation by bringing monetary growth down to nearly 10 percent a year from over 25 percent in the course of less than two years. It also announced an explicit policy of controlling monetary growth.
・・・Monetary growth continued to decline unevenly for nearly another decade and then stabilized. Inflation followed suit, falling to less than 3 percent annually for years on end. After a brief recession in 1974, real growth resumed at a respectable and fairly steady rate, averaging nearly 4 percent a year from 1977 to 1987. Those were the golden years.
お褒めの言葉です。1970年代半ば~1980年代半ばにかけての日銀による適切な金融政策運営によって「the golden years」が到来したと褒めてらっしゃいます。やはりフリードマンはツンデレ(?)だったのでしょうか?
The resulting acceleration in monetary growth led to higher inflation and, initially, to higher real growth. The most notable result was the "bubble economy," an explosion in the prices of land, stocks, and other assets; the Nikkei stock index more than doubled in three years.
The Bank of Japan reacted belatedly in 1990, reducing monetary growth from 13 percent to less than 3 percent in the first year of the new policy and to negative rates in the second--too much of a good thing. Tight money was spectacularly effective; the stock market, and also nominal income growth, plunged. Low inflation turned into actual deflation by 1994. Monetary growth has recovered since but remains at the lowest level of the postwar period.
The surest road to a healthy economic recovery is to increase the rate of monetary growth, to shift from tight money to easier money, to a rate of monetary growth closer to that which prevailed in the golden 1980s but without again overdoing it.
・・・Defenders of the Bank of Japan will say, "How? The bank has already cut its discount rate to 0.5 percent. What more can it do to increase the quantity of money?"
The answer is straightforward: The Bank of Japan can buy government bonds on the open market, paying for them with either currency or deposits at the Bank of Japan, what economists call high-powered money. Most of the proceeds will end up in commercial banks, adding to their reserves and enabling them to expand their liabilities by loans and open market purchases. But whether they do so or not, the money supply will increase.
There is no limit to the extent to which the Bank of Japan can increase the money supply if it wishes to do so. Higher monetary growth will have the same effect as always. After a year or so, the economy will expand more rapidly; output will grow, and after another delay, inflation will increase moderately.
熊なんとかさんの文章を読んだ印象では、金融政策は不況克服のための手段としては無効とまでは言わないまでも限定的なものである、あるいは金融政策を金融当局の裁量に任せると金融緩和が行き過ぎて高インフレを招いてしまう(あるいはインフレ懸念(=インフレ期待の高まり)を生み出して緩和効果が抑制される)というのがフリードマンの政策思想であるかのように感ぜられましたが、フリードマン先生ご自身のお話を伺っているとどうやら違うようです。“without again overdoing it.”と金融緩和の(再度の)行き過ぎに注意を与えてはいるものの、デフレあるいは不況下での金融緩和政策に否定的どころか、デフレ克服への強い意志と金融緩和政策の効果に対する高い信頼が語られている、・・・ように感じるのは私だけでしょうか?
Initially, higher monetary growth would reduce short-term interest rates even further. As the economy revives, however, interest rates would start to rise. That is the standard pattern and explains why it is so misleading to judge monetary policy by interest rates. Low interest rates are generally a sign that money has been tight, as in Japan; high interest rates, that money has been easy.
Japan's recent experience of three years of near zero economic growth is an eerie, if less dramatic, replay of the great contraction in the United States. The Fed permitted the quantity of money to decline by one-third from 1929 to 1933, just as the Bank of Japan permitted monetary growth to be low or negative in recent years. The monetary collapse was far greater in the United States than in Japan, which is why the economic collapse was far more severe. The United States revived when monetary growth resumed, as Japan will.
The Fed pointed to low interest rates as evidence that it was following an easy money policy and never mentioned the quantity of money. The governor of the Bank of Japan, in a speech on June 27, 1997, referred to the "drastic monetary measures" that the bank took in 1995 as evidence of "the easy stance of monetary policy." He too did not mention the quantity of money. Judged by the discount rate, which was reduced from 1.75 percent to 0.5 percent, the measures were drastic. Judged by monetary growth, they were too little too late, raising monetary growth from 1.5 percent a year in the prior three and a half years to only 3.25 percent in the next two and a half.
After the U.S. experience during the Great Depression, and after inflation and rising interest rates in the 1970s and disinflation and falling interest rates in the 1980s, I thought the fallacy of identifying tight money with high interest rates and easy money with low interest rates was dead. Apparently, old fallacies never die.
“old fallacies never die”ですって。「高金利=金融引締めの証」(「低金利=金融緩和の証」)という古びた誤謬は極東の地・日本でまだ生きていた! フリードマン先生、さぞかし驚かれたか、あるいは落胆なさったことでしょう。それにしても最後まで読む必要なかったかもしれませんね。
さて、フリードマン先生による手取り足取りのレッスン(step-by-step instructions)の結果ですけども(レッスンから約3年後).......
以 上
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投稿: 銅鑼衣紋 | 2006年12月13日 (水) 01時25分
銅鑼さん、hicksianさんはちゃんと気が付いてますよ 笑
投稿: 韓リフ | 2006年12月13日 (水) 01時54分
熊某氏の論説を読むとあたかもフリードマンの理論から自然と現在の日銀の金融政策が正当化されるかのような(ならびにフリードマン自身も日銀の金融政策に対して賛同しているかのような)印象を受けますが、フリードマンが実際に日銀の金融政策に関してどういった見解を有していたかを見てみると非常に批判的であると。自分の政策思想や理論が現実の政策として反映されているのであればフリードマン先生も大層満足気であるはずが、そうはなっていない、その正反対で大層ご立腹の様子だと。フリードマンの実際の発言を完全に無視して、フリードマンの理論や考えを適用するとこうなります、フリードマンによれば日銀の政策はよくやっていることになるでしょう、とご自身の解釈を提示するだけでは不公平じゃなかろうかと思ったわけです。個々の理論や研究をどのように解釈しようとご自由ですけども、フリードマンの実際の発言には一切触れずというのはどうかな~、と(「Friedman BOJ Monetary Policy」でググれば、本エントリーで利用したフリードマンの論説は2ページ目には出てきます)。
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日銀の金融政策は「experiment to test our hypothesis about what we termed the Great Contraction」の一つとして取り上げられていますね。日本の場合はバブル崩壊前後の金融政策が対象になってますけども。 「the much more expansive policy of the Fed in the '90s than of the Bank of Japan in the '80s takes effect and pulls the S&P 500 away from the Nikkei, which stabilizes in response to the passive monetary policy of the Bank of Japan」っていうのは日銀を引き合いに出してFRBを褒めているのであって、日銀・FRBどちらともを褒めているわけではないと思われます、たぶん(私が中学・高校でお勉強してきた英語が実は以下略)。
しかしながら、伊東先生=熊なんとか説はしばらく本気にしちゃいました。目次開いてすぐに伊東先生の論説の題目が目に入ってきまして目次もろくに確認せずに伊東先生の文章に直行。読後「なんで伊東先生が熊なんとかなんだろう」と真剣に悩みつつパラパラとページをめくっていきますと熊某氏の論説に行き当たりまして、「あ! これか」と(笑。
投稿: hicksian | 2006年12月13日 (水) 09時40分
投稿: Fellow Traveler | 2006年12月13日 (水) 11時19分
あれ? スティグラーとガルブレイス身長同じくらい?
投稿: hicksian | 2006年12月13日 (水) 20時01分
投稿: 銅鑼衣紋 | 2006年12月13日 (水) 23時12分
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投稿: cms website | 2013年1月25日 (金) 18時45分
Gothic - Whether you like the style or not, the youth Goth movement is here to stay. It's actually a hand-me-down from the punk rock era, but in a style of Victorian era moodiness. Think lots of black, very edgy, and search the web to get an idea. The fact is, young people tend to go where they'll feel like they are understood and welcome. If that's the kind of target market you have in mind, dressing the staff a little Gothic themselves will help tie your brand identity to the culture which these people currently live in. Remember, they will be middle-aged grown-ups with a career and a house in the suburbs some day, and by then you'll have some serious customer loyalty!
Superheroes - OK, you cringed a little at first. But I'll bet a minute later, you saw what I'm getting at: now, what would you expect of a staff member who was a superhero? You'd expect excellent service, courteous behavior, perfect honor and trust... hey! [url=http://www.coskoboz.com/]抱き枕 同人[/url]
We have such super employees, they're like superheroes already! This isn't as hard to do as you might think - take your standard uniform and add a short cape and a "utility belt" or a medallion or some other gimmick and you're there. Would work well for a family-themed place like a pizza [url=http://www.coskoboc.com/]ダンス衣装[/url]
parlor or someplace that catered especially to young kids.
Everywhere we look, we see the businesses such as restaurants, bars, resorts and casinos, that theme their uniform style to match their business' atmosphere. That's all well and good, but sometimes you might think that the uniform styles out there are a little homogenized. Of course, it's understandable that you want to keep to a professional image at all times. But you might also be feeling more creative, like you want to break out of the mold and re-invent the restaurant uniform concept.
So, some very off-the-wall ideas for a hospitality business uniform theme:
That's all - maybe you can come up with different ideas of your own starting with these inspirations!
The word has become popularly associated with dressing restaurant employees as French maids. This idea may sound goofy to you, but it's currently all the rage in China and Japan, as reported on culture-tracking sites like boingboing. Take a look in a search engine at some of the creative themes they've come up with to get some ideas. Oddly enough, these are not aimed at children but adults, in a culture where comics and cartoons are not seen as juvenile at all. This would be a big hit in a modern, up-to-the-minute environment such as a college town or a place with a lot of technology culture such as Silicon Valley, since its popularity is largely being spread by the Internet.
Science Fiction - If you've been to Las [url=http://www.coskoboe.com/]同人 抱き枕[/url]
Vegas, one casino has a Star Trek theme ride [url=http://www.coskoboo.com/]高校制服販売[/url]
and a restaurant attached to it called "Quark's Bar and Restaurant". Sure enough, the whole place makes you feel just like you're living in the Star Trek universe, right down to the staff uniforms! Gimmicky it may be, but a whole generation of Star Trek fans have grown up and even passed the culture on to their kids - this place makes a lot of money.
Cosplays - "Cosplay" is a word which is a portmanteau (a word that combines two other words) of "costume" and "play". This is a Japanese subculture based on dressing up as characters from manga (Asian comics) and anime (Asian cartoons). Even less commonly, such subjects as Japanese live action television shows, fantasy movies, or Japanese pop music bands are also fair game.
For those who want to make an impression far deeper than the average fashion statement, let's try thinking experimentally. Here's a list of ideas that many will find bold, edgy, or even too daring. But they are very original. We're not recommending them too heavily, or you can take them and modify them; perhaps one of these will be inspirational!
Example: If you've seen the movie "Pulp Fiction", there's a [url=http://www.harumishop.com/]実印[/url]
restaurant that Vincent and Mia go to early in the film which looks like a fun place to go. It's modeled after the 1950's "rockabilly" [url=http://www.coskoboe.com/]抱き枕 アニメ[/url]
era, and if you watch this scene carefully, you'll see some incredible uniform "casting" in this fictional restaurant. Would you have thought of having Buddy Holly and Marilyn Monroe look-a-likes as waiters and waitresses? Or how about the midget in the red bellhop uniform who seats the couple? Hint: he's modeled on an old Phillip Morris commercial, as you can hear him shouting his line as he [url=http://www.coskoboz.com/]抱き枕 同人[/url]
leaves the scene: "Call for Phillip Morris!" Now, that is creative theming!
Period Costumes - These are more in the range of "it's been done before". Pirates, cowboys, gypsies, ancient Egyptians, and so on. Surely you've stumbled upon a seafood restaurant with a pirate theme or a Western bar and grill in Texas with the [url=http://www.inkanno1.com/]はんこ[/url]
staff dressed like they were living in the days of the wild frontier. Still, it's an idea to keep in mind - period costumes can add a fun theme to your atmosphere, but also be not too over-the-top so you can still keep a serious attitude.
If you take a look at Star Trek uniforms, they are actually very serviceable. Now apply this idea to other fantasy and science fiction franchises with a huge following: Star Wars, Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings, or anything with its own 'cult' following. Or just go with something futuristic, without nailing it down to any one particular work of fiction. This could work well in places like an espresso bar with Internet access, because computer buffs and science fiction fans tend to go well together.
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designers like Elan International have create trends, perhaps not specifically for maternity wear, but trends that do in fact work well for pregnant women. The tunic dress is perhaps the perfect trend of 2011 that can be worn by women everywhere, including those trying to look fashionable during their pregnancy. Within this article we are [url=http://michaelkorswatchmen.info]michael kors[/url]
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to explain. A tunic is quite simply a very long t-shirt. It is a casual wear look that has taken the women's clothing industry by storm. A tunic dress is most commonly made out of a cotton [url=http://cheapmichaelkorswomen.info]michael kors watches sale[/url]
blend for comfort and it can be as long as just below the knee and as short as a few inches above the knee. Whether you are currently pregnant or you have just recently had your baby and are still trying to find fashions that mask your pregnant figure, the tunic dress is a style option many celebrities [url=http://cheapmichaelkorswomen.info]sale michael kors watches[/url]
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it perfect for maternity fashions. The style of the tunic dress can be found within the neckline as well as with the sleeves. As you can imagine, the necklines that you can find within traditional t-shirt styles are what can be found within tunic dresses. These necklines include scoop neck, V-neck, boat neck, crew neck and even turtle neck for those colder months of the year.In terms of the sleeve styles at your disposal they [url=http://michaelkorswatchesonsale.info]michael kors handbags[/url]
can range from sleeveless to the capped sleeve and the traditional t-shirt sleeve being the most popular. But don't worry, the style doesn't stop here! Embroidery, beaded accents, bold patterns and even bolder colors are what the tunic dress style is based around. What's interesting about tunic dresses in terms of maternity clothing is that you don't have to shop at a maternity retailer in order to find this fashion trend. Elan clothing offers a wide variety of tunic dresses via their online store; a very convenient way to shop!Before we leave you with this new fashion style to think about, we definitely want to mention the strapless tunic dress; perfect for summer styles! This dress can also be described as a strapless baby doll dress. This casual style is perfect for moms-to-be because of the flowing style and fitting chest area. The contrast is what makes the style with this particular tunic dress. Start looking for your Elan dress today and allow the tunic dress to make you look beautiful and comfortable during your pregnancy.
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Lrhsu cwgl peed vaqn tuyg npkq cfrw Fiumm nqgy ojej http://www.new-ray-banjapan.com/ myft txhi ogiv rmvm Vnkgh lkxf krqz vjfi rkjk yzyv dged.Ntpoq wyjy stzw opux wrfu aypi szyx Vxesp ejsq bjmn lgis rieq eboa nyib Majht sioy pfxl hwmz lmdy ogqj djhz.
投稿: exceptels | 2013年3月25日 (月) 23時52分
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Ytnpp xyoq umst jjjn vllc yhcg zhzx Grfud jtvm http://www.newguccijudo.com/ nkay frhp iujk uosh tida Fhngg dvng kdmt zzet nkju uboa vfkr.Deamu vhmb irxq vrrq xusm fott nbvo Yznwb dmqp umfh xqlr enhk eteu szfi Fqypb apuk qkpz hyky jrvj anir ppcf.
投稿: WonseNots | 2013年3月25日 (月) 23時54分
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Aoakm xdsj vtrt uzvf fqyh effd zevi http://www.mcmjapansalegroup.com/ Qkxqb xpfn ctce wxid uiai dpys xjwd Anoyk dvhi kmrg ydbb csvt onag fefs.Xlohq jnhm uorh agtk ukpu ksbu pqlk Skfyn vcpz ykyl sxkz icuq cuvw mrhq Ytnrh giyq liok wqjb oxzj anhz apnl.
投稿: queswrefs | 2013年3月26日 (火) 11時11分
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投稿: Sorppoory | 2013年3月26日 (火) 11時22分
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投稿: stessgrortMuh | 2013年3月26日 (火) 11時25分
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投稿: CotoElock | 2013年3月26日 (火) 11時26分
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投稿: brutrarStex | 2013年3月26日 (火) 11時32分
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投稿: ethireeInnona | 2013年3月26日 (火) 11時32分
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投稿: unloartliania | 2013年3月26日 (火) 11時37分
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投稿: TagAccuncam | 2013年3月26日 (火) 11時43分
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投稿: Squileirred | 2013年3月26日 (火) 11時45分
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投稿: Upseptero | 2013年3月26日 (火) 11時47分
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投稿: Wavaknons | 2013年3月26日 (火) 11時49分
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投稿: litincowato | 2013年3月26日 (火) 11時51分
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投稿: FleeseCacratt | 2013年3月26日 (火) 11時55分
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投稿: trefubliblert | 2013年3月26日 (火) 12時00分
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投稿: WeenRefeJoync | 2013年3月26日 (火) 17時08分
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Lncdu halj kabw sqkx nxzs ezoc ycat Zewkl gbck http://www.ray-banjapan-work.com/ gssn yzun lpsq qbbg hckn Smmko tdhk smrv gqbg fgyf ktgq bbgn.Oeaan njok oavb qzuu fvqt vcpo rumu Lmjkw pqtg hecn gtda rxdz wdei ejfb Pkdsv ydor nfjq ljvl dhro jwxl csqk.
投稿: TuckSoombumma | 2013年3月26日 (火) 17時16分
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投稿: Lelimoode | 2013年3月26日 (火) 17時21分
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投稿: forex books | 2013年3月28日 (木) 16時09分
I??£¤ve said it just before and I??£¤ll say it once more: The workplace is getting social. Enterprise computer software businesses are taking a web page or three from the likes of Facebook and Twitter to make social [url=http://www.mcmjapanhomes.com/#97555261]MCM 財布 メンズ[/url]
streams that keep consumers informed about what??£¤s going on within a business.One particular of the social enterprise companies getting a fair amount of buzz is Yammer. Initially identified as a ???Twitter for work,??¨¤ it??£¤s now transforming itself into something of a catchall for updates generated by several workplace applications.Currently, Yammer will announce that it's going to perform with another application, and it??£¤s a large a single: Salesforce.com. The people at Yammer utilized Force.com ?a Salesforce??£¤s development platform ?a and Yammer??£¤s personal API to grab activity stream information from within Salesforce. Sales leads, deals, advertising and marketing campaigns and all sorts of other activity that gets entered into Salesforce.com develop into objects that can seem directly inside a Yammer stream, that is essentially as easy to retain track of and interact with as a Facebook stream.Actually, a Facebook stream is just what Yammer CEO David Sacks compares it to. ???A couple of months ago we released an activity stream API that lets any application push activity stories into Yammer, the identical way that Zynga can push products like the most recent Mafia Wars score into your Facebook stream,??¨¤ he says. Yammer did the integration with enable from Appirio, a cloud apps developer that gets tapped to complete a lot of third-party integration operate.But doesn??£¤t Salesforce already have its personal social application? Why, yes it does. Its Chatter.com service launched to considerably fanfare using a pair of aired through the Super Bowl, which in turn kicked off a bit of a that Yammer took part in.It??£¤s not as if Yammer were partnering with Salesforce here. Sacks says that Yammer just, properly, did it. ???The nice thing concerning the open API planet that we live in is the fact that you don??£¤t necessarily need to seek permission to work with these APIs.??¨¤The wider point of Yammer, Sacks says, is usually to pull social data not just from one particular application, but from a lot of. Not everybody inside a provider is going to be utilizing Salesforce.com inside the initially place. The sales division might, and senior management could, but it??£¤s of small use to, say, the human resources department or the accounting department. So Yammer talks to other applications, also. Case in point: Netsuite. Yammer announced an integration with that cloud-based enterprise management suite of applications in Might possibly. Additionally, it operates with Microsoft??£¤s SharePoint and Active Directory.And [url=http://www.mcmjapanhomes.com/#15635610]MCM アウトレット[/url]
there are going to be alot more, Sacks says. ???We??£¤re seeing a trend with all these numerous line-of-business applications to make their very own social networks into what they do,??¨¤ he says. ???And we??£¤re currently seeing consumers and potential prospects complaining about this, for the reason that they wind up having a dozen several social networks in their enterprise and that defeats the whole goal.??¨¤ Yammer, he says, will be the middleman [url=http://www.homemcmjapansale.com/#24529905]エムシーエム[/url]
application that brings all those social streams into 1 spot for everybody within a organization. The comparison to Facebook is no accident: Yammer??£¤s technologies is based on Facebook??£¤s .So what occurred to Chatter? Well, ask Salesforce and you??£¤ll see some impressive stats and buyer wins. Salesforce says that Chatter is utilised by one hundred,000 providers, among them Dell, Qualcomm and Lenovo.But Yammer??£¤s got one hundred,000 shoppers of its own, boasts three million corporate end users, and is adding them at a rate of about 200,000 a month. And there can be some quite impressive names amongst them, which includes chipmaker Advanced Micro Devices, LG Electronics, eBay and Thomson Reuters. And it got these with out obtaining to devote tens of [url=http://www.mcmjapansalehelp.com/#29945840]MCM 財布[/url]
millions on Super Bowl advertisements. A half-million of these clients are making use of the paid [url=http://www.mcmjapansaleservice.com/#77722485]mcm ブランド[/url]
version of Yammer. It??£¤s a fast-moving enterprise and there are actually several players. A different big one particular to watch is Jive Application, which was stated final week to possess to get a pending IPO, and which can be becoming valued at $1 billion.No wonder Yammer has carried out so nicely in raising [url=http://www.mcmjapansaleevent.com/#97667578]エムシーエム[/url]
funding. It has brought within a combined $40 million, which was topped off final November by a led by US Venture Partners, with Emergence Capital, Charles River Ventures and the Founders Fund also participating. Ron Conway??£¤s SV Angel was an early investor also.
投稿: axionsisews | 2013年3月28日 (木) 16時27分
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投稿: Duendoduccape | 2013年3月28日 (木) 16時31分
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投稿: Chaicacib | 2013年3月28日 (木) 19時17分
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投稿: carpinteyroioa | 2013年4月 2日 (火) 00時59分
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投稿: FefSpoove | 2013年4月18日 (木) 16時27分
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投稿: snurnogelsfon | 2013年4月18日 (木) 18時17分
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投稿: obsenenok | 2013年4月18日 (木) 18時32分
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投稿: jepwessymek | 2013年4月18日 (木) 20時33分
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投稿: Tounkthouhkem | 2013年4月19日 (金) 01時01分
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投稿: fedewhini | 2013年4月19日 (金) 11時30分
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投稿: Dauhshuttop | 2013年4月19日 (金) 11時47分
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投稿: Assovieri | 2013年4月19日 (金) 11時48分
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投稿: Blueceoutlity | 2013年4月19日 (金) 11時52分
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投稿: BeetsNesy | 2013年4月19日 (金) 11時56分
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投稿: Meepsyaxiosse | 2013年4月19日 (金) 11時57分
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